Graeme Patterson-Inspired Miniature Diorama Activity

This activity is inspired by Graeme Patterson’s stop-motion animation work Monkey and Deer, which depicts two companions exploring an imaginary environment.

Monkey and Deer is on view at Remai Modern as part of the exhibition Next Year’s Country, which seeks to re-examine ideas of place, belonging and history through a wide range of Canadian artists in Remai Modern’s permanent collection.


  • Small cardboard box

  • Collage materials (small pieces of fabric, trim, paper)

  • Card stock (old greeting cards will work)

  • Scissors

  • Glue stick

  • Ruler

  • Pencil, pencil crayons or markers

Instructions: create an environment by collaging various materials to the inside and outside of a small box.

  • On card stock, draw and cut out small figures that fit inside the box

  • Glue each figure to the end of a thin strip of card stock

  • Cut slits on the sides of the box through which to insert the figures

  • Animate your creation by moving the strips of card stock attached to the figures

About the artist: Graeme Patterson, originally from Saskatoon, graduated from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. His art practice has evolved from self-taught stop-motion animation to complex, large-scale projects that include sculptural models, robotics, sound, music, interactive elements and performance.

Learn more about Patterson’s work by listening to the multimedia guide interview below.